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How-To: Duck Tape® Turkey Handprint

  • 45 Minutes
  • Intermediate

Supplies & Tools

  1. Color Duck Tape®
  2. Duck Tape® Sheets and/or Duck Tape® Fabric Tutorial
  3. Black Marker
  4. Crafting Board
  5. Googly Eyes
  6. Parchment or Wax Paper
  7. Wire

5 Steps


Make double-sided duct tape fabric using Brown Duck Tape®. Trace the child's hand with a black marker on the fabric.

hand print outline drawn on a piece of Brown Duck Tape fabric


Cut out the traced hand from the fabric. Then attach googly eyes and the turkey's mouth and gobbler.

Hand from previous step cut out. Googly eye, an orange triangle for the beak and a red oval for the waddle attached to the thumb of the hand


Create duct tape feathers by placing a piece of wire on a small strip of Duck Tape®. Then, place another piece of Duck Tape® on top of the first piece.

Length of wire sandwiched between two pieces of Duck Tape, sticky side facing inwards


Cut into a feather shape, and then make small cuts along the perimeter of the feather to add texture.

cut the piece from the previous step into a feather shap, so that the wire runs down the middle length wise.


Follow the same process to make more colorful duct tape feathers, and then attach to the turkey.

repeat steps 3-4 to create various colored feathers and affix each feather to each finger of the hand